先不談EA最近的《Red Alert 3:uprising》評分如何(各位心照 O_<)

看來EA LA那邊的開發小組可能在秘密地進行新一集《Command and Conquer 4》的開發了!事源網上有人看到某位為EA LA工作過的Freelance Conpect Artist在其Profilo裡面聲稱曾參與《C&C 4》的前其設計…

留意最下面一行,是C&C 4啊!
留意最下面一行,是C&C 4啊!


而胡說看到之後就立刻向EA LA 《C&C》的Community Manager查問一下,不過結果換來的是…

Hey Mike,

Unfortunately I cannot comment on rumors and speculation. I’m certainly glad you got the Rockband 2 finally! Sorry that took forever.

Hope all is well



(Incase各位不知道Rock Band 2是啥回事…那是胡說上年到LA參加Red Alert 3 Community Days時在EA LA買的遊戲…不過足足等了快一年多才收到…遊戲也由Rock Band昇級成Rock Band 2了,有人想要買嗎?只賣700元!)

作者: wuxu