一般手指係都係要黎裝下文件返工返學用,但好多時隻手指都用唔盡。Speed 就諗到手指連 MP3功能,可能大家會問點解唔直接買返隻MP3算呢。這款  Speed U-Player 體積同 USB 手指般纖巧,而且手指已經包含控制面板同鋰電池,聲稱續航力有5 小時,但就無提及速度速度,2GB 售價 $128, 唔知網友覺得抵唔抵呢?

Speed U-player 2GB 售價:$128

店舖查詢:龍珠 (2720 1176)
店舖地址:九龍深水埗福華街146-152 號黃金商場地庫40,42,66,68號舖

作者: van

Speed 聽歌手指 物盡其用 有 “ 7 則評論 ”
  1. I have bought the player one month ago, but the 4g speed u-player was easily malfunction within 7 days. I renewed another one from the shop, but it was still malfunction using not more than 7 days. The problem is that it can not format after I found it malfunction so I will need to find it repaired from the manifacturer. It is not worth to buy!!!

    1. I sorry to hear that, it seems the QC of the player may have some problems, but i hope the one u get back works fine :D。
